J.M. Higgins Farms
Pork Facts
Michigan Family Farm
Our hogs are raised in barns where straw is used for bedding. This is for their comfort. Sure, it costs more and takes more time to do it this way, but this is how we raise our animals. We always do what is best for them. Our herd consists of Hampshire, Berkshire and Blue Butt breeds.
Pork is sold by the hanging weight. Hanging weight is the weight of the animal after it has been dispatched and hanging on the meat rail. Pork will yield 70-75% of the hanging weight. Our hogs will weigh in the 160-180# range. Example, a hog that weighs 170# HW will yield between 119# to 127# of meat going in your freezer. Our current price of $3.60# hanging weight includes your animal and your processing fees as well. Pork is sold by 1/2 and whole hog. We also sell hogs for barbeques as well.
1/2 hog will yield approx 60# of meat, requires 3 cubic feet of freezer space and cost $300
Whole hog will yield approx 120# of meat, requires 6 cubic feet of freezer space and cost $600
All animals are processed at Jerome Country Market.
Delivery drop off points are Battle Creek, Brighton, Canton, Dexter, Dundee, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Lansing and Mason MI. Also, Toledo OH, Angola and Bristol IN.
No deposit required. Payment form - Cash, check, credit/debit card.